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Sending real letters online
Letter production was last at
Friday 26th of July 2024 04:55 PM CET
Mail collection was last at
Friday 26th of July 2024 05:01 PM CET
Letters are collected Monday to Friday at around 17:00 CET (except on public holidays in Bavaria).
» Send letters, registered items, postcards and faxes worldwide!

Postal service Here you can send real letters worldwide via the web. Four different gateways, seven supported formats for documents, 24hr support guarantee and fully automated processes ensure trouble-free orders at the first German web-to-letter-provider. Test us now!
We are always:

+ low priced
+ uncomplicated
+ fast
+ reliable

We do not require:

- base fees
- setup fees
- contract obligations
- minimum volume

We make it our business to make sending even single letters inexpensive and easy.

PixelLetter is a gateway between your computer and the real mail system. You send us your letter online, we print, fold, envelope, prepay and send it out within 24 hours.

Whether invoices, business letters or info-mailings, we deliver everything you need: type in online; upload as a document; send us by e-mail or a short message service (SMS).